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To Minnesota With Love

'To Minnesota with Love: Audio Postcards from Around the World' explores lesser known stories from the distant corners of the world. The show follows Christina MacGillivray as she chronicles history, culture and communities stories for WTIP: Northern Minnesota Community Radio.


Darjeeling, Known For Its Tea, Fights for Independence


When the British colonized India, they discovered they could undermine China's dominance in the tea trade by growing the crop in Darjeeling. Their desire to hold onto the tea crop has a direct connection on the region's fight for independence today.

Darjeeling Known For Its Tea, Fights for Independence - Darjeeling, India
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Photo by : Christina MacGillivray


Two Small Towns Linked, A World Apart


Suzanne Hanifl left her Virginia farm in 1955 at age ten to move to Pakistan with her family. Next, she travelled on her own to a boarding school in the Himalayan Mountains. 

Two Small Towns Linked, A World Apart - To Minnesota With Love
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Photo by : Noemie Leprince-Ringuet

Photo by : Christina MacGillivray

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The Rules of Driving in India, Explained

India's traffic is notorious for being some of the most unwieldily in the world. Seven cars often occupy the same space allocated for three and motorists share the road with cycle rickshaws, horses, pedestrians and all manor of carts. Traffic laws are virtually uninforced. Yet somehow, it all comes together.

How does it all work? 

The Rules of Driving in India, Explained - To Minnesoa with Love
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In a Remote Region of India, An Age Old Crop Experiences a Renaissance in Upmarket US Co-Ops

In remote ponds at the foothills of the Himalayas, local divers harvest lotus seeds.

Lotus Seeds in India - To Minnesota With Love
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Photo by : Christina MacGillivray


Black Pepper, the King of Spices, Helped Undermine the Ancient Silk Road

Christopher Columbus' voyage ultimately shaped Indian cuisine forever: in searching for India's black pepper he ultimately helped bring red chilies to India, and undermined the economic power of the Silk Road.

Black Pepper: The King of Spices - To Minnesota With Love
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Photo by : Christina MacGillivray


Vivaldi in Venice​, PART I

Vivaldi's well known music was composed while he conducted a very unlikely orchestra: composed entirely of orphan girls.

Vivaldi in Venice Part I - To Minnesota With Love
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Ospedale della Pietà, where Vivaldi taught his orchestra comprised of orphaned girls.


Vivaldi in Venice​, PART II

While most people know Vivaldi's music, few of us know the mystery behind how his music completely vanished, only to be rediscovered nearly 200 years later. We were very close to having never heard his music at all.

Vivaldi in Venice Part II - To Minnesota With Love
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Gala concert in the old Procuratory in Venice.


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